Annual meeting for sales dept.
Annual Meeting for Sales Dept.
Time: 14/Jan., 2021
Address: meeting room of 2nd floor
Att.: Mr.Zhou (Deputy G.M), all persons of sales department
Everyone made a speech for the works of 2020 and plan for 2021 firstly.
Secondly, Mr. Zhou annouced that the excellent employee is Mr. Ren for our sales department through electing. Then, he summed the works of 2020: total sales volume of 2020, over CNY 600,000,000, increased up 30% than 2019; dicyandiamide sales quantity, over 8,000mts, increased up over 100% than 2019.
Most of us perfomed well in 2020, It is a very good year of 2020! Everyone should be work harder in 2021, because we have more products now, guanidine hydrochloride, guanidine carbonate, electric-grade dicyandiamide, even cyanamide!
It is not disappear for Covid-19 in the world, but it is serious in some areas. We need to pay more attention for the shipments and payments in 2021 in order to finsih the new target better!